lamp power, allowing corals in a gradual get used to new sources of light (as amended by the spectrum of light) and to its intensity.
The computer controls the power and change the color of light in the range from 15 to almost 90 days (range automatic - depending
on the acclimation). This option eliminates the situation of "overexposure" aquarium and coral bleaching, which is a very common
symptom in the transition from other type of lighting(t5/hqi) to LEDs . At the end of the acclimation program automatically switches
off and the lamp goes to the mode previously set, such as Basic Mode or Par Table.
1.2 Daylight settings
Here you can configue basic settings for your lamp.
Sunrise start time
– the beginning of sunrise simulation
Sunset start time
– the beginning of sunset simulation
– duration of sunrise/sunset
Max. lamp power
– maximum power (between the end of sunrise simulation and the beginning of sunset simulation)
Smooth light transitions –
defines how fast changes occur in the color of light in the performance of individual lines PAR table.
Enabling this option will result in a smooth transition between colors without sudden jumps.
T5 lighting -
This option is available only for lamps with T5 lighting(Pandora Hyperion R2) . You can select the T5 lighting switch on/off
Pacific Sun Hyperion S/Triton S lamps – manua