1.6 Custom scenario
It is used for upload / grabbing lighting programs sent by the other users or shared at the library on-line scenarios.
At the moment there is program Hawaii, which is characterized by beautiful, natural-looking sunset and the changing light during the
day (reflecting the passing of the day the clouds in the sky), etc.
Load scenario from file
– uploads a chosen lighting scenario file on your lamp’s temporary memory, e.g a scenario sent by other
Before uploading new lighting scenario to your lamp’s temporary memory, we recommend saving the previous scenario, using Save
Scenario to file (in case you would like to return to the previous settings).
Send scenario to lamp memory
– configures your lamp with the settings of your chosen secenario uploaded in your lamp’s
temporary memory.
Save PAR scenario to file
– saves a chosen PAR scenario as a backup copy or to share it with other users.
Get PAR scenario from WWW
– used to browse PAR scenarios database available on the Pacific Sun server.
PAR scenario online sharing – sending PAR scenarios from lamp’s memory to the Pacific Sun server.
Pacific Sun Hyperion S/Triton S lamps – manua