Stinger HEIGH10
Radio Replacement Kit
for select 2014-2019 Silverado/Sierra Truck
© 2020 AAMP Global. All rights reserved. PAC is a Power Brand of AAMP Global.
Pacific Accessory Corporation
Page 5
Rev: V1
Date: 030121
Step 3
Step 6
Step 2
Step 5
Step 1
Step 4
Section 1: Disassembly (cont.)
Part Three: Glove Box Removal (Optional)
Pull outward on the lower glove
box to release the retaining clips
and remove the lower glove box.
Unplug the gray 12 pin camera
harness from the HMI module.
Open the upper and lower glove
box doors and remove the two
Torx T15 screws securing the
lower glove box.
Up, behind the metal bar running
across the inner dash, locate the
HMI Module; black module with
multiple colored plugs facing down.
Remove the two Torx T15 screws
from the bottom edge of the lower
glove box.
Remove the two Torx T15 screws
and pull to remove the upper
glove box. Unplug the factory USB
port from the backside.
If the vehicle is equipped with IO4, IO5 or IO6 radio AND a factory rear camera, follow the steps below to
remove the glove box. For IO3 and IOB vehicles, or no factory rear camera, proceed to Part Four.