MAN 9063092 EN V1
P. Lindberg A/S
Sdr. Ringvej 1
Tlf: 70212626
DK-6600 Vejen
e-mail: [email protected]
Engage the parking brake, switch off the tractor, remove the ignition key and
disengage the PTO before making any kind of adjustment.
Setting the mowing height:
The mowing height depends on the
roller’s position. There are three
possible settings. From the factory, the
roller is mounted in the centremost
position. If a lower or higher mowing
height is preferred, loosen the bolt (A)
on both sides of the mower. Detach the
bolt (B) on both sides of the mower.
Raise (or lower) and reattach the bolts
(B). Finally, tighten all the bolts.
Picture of a correctly adjusted roller,
and an incorrectly adjusted roller.
The skids are mounted in oval holes,
which enables them to also be raised or
lowered. Loosen the bolts (C), adjust the
skids and retighten the bolts. There are
skids on both sides of the mower.
Picture of correctly adjusted and
incorrectly adjusted skids.