MAN 9042043_9042044 EN V1
P. Lindberg A/S
Sdr. Ringvej 1
Tlf: 70212626
DK-6600 Vejen
e-mail: [email protected]
NB: All forms of maintenance and transport of the machine should be carried
out with an empty petrol tank or with a closed fuel cock and with the spark
plug cable removed.
Maintenance schedule
First five hours
Replace the engine oil.*
Every eight hours or
every day
Remove dirt and deposits.*
Check the oil level.*
Every 25 hours or every
Clean the engine air filter.*
Every 50 hours or every
Replace the engine oil.
Replace the engine air filter.
Inspect the fuel valve.
Replace the spark plug
Inspect the exhaust and spark arrestor.*
Clean the cooling system.
*See how in the following section.
Cleaning in general
It is important to ensure that the equipment is kept clean and dry. Only use and
store the generator in a clean and dry place, where it will not be exposed to dust,
dirt, moisture or steam. The air grates in the generator must never be blocked by
snow, leaves or any other foreign bodies. Regularly check the generator for dirt and
remove dirt, dust, oil, moisture, etc.
Use a moist cloth when wiping off. A soft brush may be used to loosen dried-in dirt,
oil, etc. A vacuum cleaner may be used to clean up loose dirt and deposits.
Compressed air that has a low air pressure may also be used to blow dirt clear – but
never more than 25 psi.
Pay particular attention to cooling fins and openings on the generator. These
openings must be kept clean and unblocked.