6.8.6 Due Calibration Date
Here you can save your due date for re-calibration of the product.
Steps :
1. Select Calibration Fact. From the applications.
2. Select Enter Password from the sub menu by default, press
“0000” if you have not set your own password.
3. Select Due Cal. Date by using up / down arrow key.
4. Enter the date in DD/MM/YY format and you will be
directed to the calibration menu.
Steps :
6.8.7 Edit Password
This feature will help user to edit the password. So only authorized
persons can modify the calibration.
1. Select Calibration from the applications.
2. Select Edit Password.
3. “Enter Existing Password” by using up / down arrow key. The
default password is “0000”.
4. Enter New Password by using up / down arrow key.
5. Repeat the New Password.
6. If everything is ok then “Password Change Successful”
window will appear.
6.8.8 Forgot password
In case you forget the password, please contact your supplier. They
will be able to reset your password.
7. Warning / Safety Precautions
To prevent fire, electronic shock or any serious injury to persons, follow
below safety instruction.
Do not submerge the unit and its charger in any liquid.
Do not operate the charger that has a damaged cord.
Please use chargers that are compatible with the pipette.
Do not handle the charger plug with moist hands.
Do not burn, crush, damage the Lithium battery or expose it
to excessive heat.
Always use recommended battery.