Vulcan Series
About safety goggles
Oxford Instruments strongly recommends using safety goggles whenever operating the Vulcan analyzer.
Wearing safety goggles when operating a class 3B laser might also be mandatory in your region or
country. Always check the local legislation before operating the Vulcan series. Please contact your local
Oxford Instruments’ representative for assistance and advice.
The safety goggles must meet the following specifications: OD6+ (1064 nm), or EN207 compliant
marking 1064 R LB6 D LB6. Please notice that normal safety goggles, sunglasses, weld masks etc.
does not provide protection against laser radiation.
Oxford Instrument does not sell or provide laser safety goggles. The safety goggles are supplied by
several companies such as Thorlabs (www.thorlabs.com) or Laser Safety Industries