Shock Alarm,114.15188E
3. Disarm (Shock Alarm) by sending SMS
Send SMS
“DISARM*12345678” to tracker, “DISARM” is a command,
is password,
the tracker will send back the information
“Set Shock Alarm OFF” to indicate the operation is success
and disable the shock alarm, if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send
back information
“Wrong Password”.
4. SOS Emergency Help (No Platform Necessary)
In the normal mode press the button ON/OFF on the tracker and don
’t release (Press button over 6
seconds), the GREED LED will flash quickly, later it will be turned OFF, then release the button, the
tracker will send SOS help information to all 3 preset phone, and then call the authorized number A first, if
no answered then B and C, if 3 authorized number all no answered, then stop calling.
The SOS SMS information sample is as follow:
If no authorized number is added, the SOS information can not be sent. If the SOS information is
received, please confirm the user is safety.
Settings Commands
1. Set Tracker Working Mode: (1.Shock Control, 2. Keep Online, 3.SMS Locate)
Send SMS
“MODE*12345678*X” to the tracker, “MODE” is command, “123456” is password, “X” is
the working mode, it is 1,2,or 3. after receive the command, the tracker will reply SMS
“Mode X OK ” .
The working modes are described below:
Mode 1 (Default Factory Mode) ------ Shock Control ON/OFF & Uploading
This mode is the default factory working mode. under this mode, normally the tracker is sleep,
when the tracker begin to move, the tracker is triggered by shock sensor, the tracker will be turned on
and the location begin to upload to the server, default every 30 seconds the tracker will upload one
location to server, after the tracker stop moving 2 minutes, the tracker will turn off GPS module & stop
uploading location to server, after the tracker stop moving 10 minutes, the tracker will turn off 2/3/4G
module and going to sleep. The sleep mode will cost very few battery power.
Mode2 ------ Keep Online Continuously & Uploading