1. First to buy a 2G GSM or 3G WCDMA or 4G LTE mobile phone SIM card, which needs SMS service
and incoming caller ID display and internet function, this SIM card phone number is the tracker number and
all the operations to the tracker is this number (M2M card that has no voice & SMS also can be used, this
kind of SIM card can not send SMS command or receive SMS alarm information).
2. Press any ON/OFF button till the tracker power on, first time using please put the tracker outdoor
for easy get GPS & 2/3/4G signal.
3. Check the LED flashing to confirm the tracker work well (Refer the above
LED Flash Indicator
4. This tracker default working mode is 1, the tracker locating & uploading is controlled by shock sensor,
if the tracker is moving , the tracker will upload the location to server every 30 seconds (time interval can be
set, please refer
Locate Instruction
), if the tracker stop moving, 2 minutes later, the tracker will stop locating &
uploading location to server. if the tracker stop moving, 10 minutes later, the tracker will turn off and go to
sleep mode .
5. This tracker can auto configure APN & GPRS user name & password, if the auto configuration is not right,
the tracker can not visit internet, so the tracker location can not update on the app & website, and the red LED will
flash twice, then you need send SMS to tracker to change the APN & GPRS manually, send SMS
“CHECK*12345678” to tracker to check the APN configuration, call the tracker SIM card supplier to confirm the
APN & GPRS is right. Send
“APN*12345678*apnname” and “USERNAME*12345678*username*password” to
tracker can change the APN & GPRS setting, please refer the following
Tracker Setting Instruction
for detail.
6. Visit & login the tracking platform
, click
can select different language,
check current location, playback history tracking etc can be operated, platform user name and password is
the last 7 digital numbers of the tracker
’s ID (for example ID is : 800201912345678, the user name is :
2345678, password is :2345678 or 123456, user can change the password, send SMS
“ID*12345678” to
tracker can check tracker ID).
iPhone Android App also use the same user name and password with website login, visit
mobile phone, click the app icon on the login page, or scan the QR code on login
the iPhone & Android app can be download & installed, please refer the platform operation guide.
8. Fleet user can be created for easy fleet management, call your distributor to create a fleet.
In the following content, all the SMS content is mark by
“”, and this “” is not include
in the SMS content, it is only to used to mark the SMS content.
Locate Instruction