is password; if the operation is success, the tracker will send back the information
“Authorized Phone A: 13987654321
13765432101 , the phone number is
just an example. if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back
information or
“Wrong Password”.
5. Change / Check Password
5.1. Change tracker password
Send SMS
“CHANGEPASSWORD*12345678*888888” to tracker, “CHANGEPASSWORD” is a
is old password;
“888888” is new password; if the operation is success, the
tracker will send the information
“ New Password
” to every authorized phone number, if the
password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information
“Wrong Password”.
Note: Only authorized phone can change the password.
5.2. Check tracker password
Send SMS
“CHECKPASSWORD” to the tracker, “CHECKPASSWORD” is a command, if the
operation is success, the tracker will send back the information
”; “88888888”is
an example.
Note: Only authorized phone can check or change the password.
6. Set Alarm by Calling: ON/OFF
Send SMS
“CALLON*12345678” (Call to authorized number) or “CALLOFF*12345678” (No calling)
to the tracker,
“CALLON” or “CALLOFF” is a command,
is the tracker password, if the
operation is success, the tracker will send back the information
“Alarm by calling : ON” or “Alarm by
calling :OFF
”, if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information
“Wrong Password”. If the alarm by calling is ON, then when the alarm is triggered, the tracker will call
the authorized number to notice the alarm, the default setting is ON.
7. Set Alarm by SMS: ON/OFF
Send SMS
“SMSON*12345678” (Sending SMS to authorized number) or “SMSOFF*12345678”
(No SMS) to the tracker,
“SMSON” or “SMSOFF” is a command,
is the tracker
password, if the operation is success, the tracker will send back the information
“Alarm by SMS : ON”
“Alarm by SMS :OFF”, if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back
“Wrong Password”. If the alarm by SMS is ON, then when the alarm is triggered, the
tracker will send SMS to the authorized number to notice the alarm.the default setting is ON.
8. Set Upload Time Interval