the GPRS & APN setting, if the APN or GPRS user name & password are not right, you can set APN
and GPRS username & password sending SMS, you can check the APN & GPRS username password
by sending SMS “CHECK*123456” to tracker, Sending SMS “APN*123456*apnname” to the tracker
can set the APN, and
sending SMS “USERNAME*123456*username*password” to the tracker can set
the GPRS username & password, please see the following setting description for detail.
4. Visit the website
, logon with given user nam and password (user name is
the last 7
digital number of the tracker’s ID number, the default password is same with user name, for
example ID is 830201512345678, the default logon name and password all are 2345678, the ID is
print on the label on the back of the device, user can change the password and user information after
logon, but can not change the user name, our administrator or dealer can change the user name by
user request (ask your dealer to contact us), After logon, click the car you want check, the current
location will display on the Google map, check the date and time and location is right or not, if it is
correct, then you have installed the tracker and set the tracker properly, and it work well.
5. The iPhone and Android App locate please see the platform using guide,and also
Wechat locate please see the platform using guide.
6. If you have many vehicles , we can create a user that can see all your trackers after you
login, this can be used as fleet management, ask your dealer to contact us to get your administrator
user name and password of your fleet.
7. The data & time of the tracker upload to the website is GMT time (Greenwich Mean Time,
add or minus a fixed digit is your local time), you can change the display time to your local time by
setting the time zone to your local time zone in the menu of My Account after logon the platform (
For example Newyork time zone is -05), please refer the platform operation guide.
Tracker Setting Command
1. Add / Delete / Check authorized number:
The authorized phone number is used to send alarm information by SMS, or use mobile phone to locate
the tracker without platform, if the authorized phone number is not set, then the alarm information can not
send to user by SMS (alarm, battery low, SOS, etc). The Add command please see “Basic Locate Operation &
Add authorized phone number
Send SMS“ADDPHONE*123456*A*number”(Not including the quotation marks “ ”, Number means the