If the
parameter is set to '0' in the Cockpit app (see page 84) or if mute mode (silent
mode) is activated, there are no beep signals.
Once a connection to a prosthesis has been established, the cockpit app can be used to switch
between the MyModes.
2. Golf
1. Basic Mode
1. Basic Mode
1) Tap the symbol of the MyMode (1) you want in the main
menu of the app.
A security question for changing the MyMode appears.
2) If you want to change the mode, tap the "
" button.
A beep signal sounds to confirm the switch.
3) After switching, a symbol (2) is displayed to identify the act
ive mode.
The current mode is also indicated by the name on the
lower edge of the screen (3).
9.3 Switching MyModes using motion patterns
When mute mode (silent mode) is activated, no beep and vibration signals are generated.
If the
parameter is set to '0' in the Cockpit app (see page 84) or if mute mode (silent
mode) is activated, there are no beep signals.
Information on switching
Switching and the number of movement patterns must be activated by the O&P professional
in the adjustment software.
Before the first step, always check whether the selected mode corresponds to the required
motion type.
Requirements for successful switching using motion patterns
The following points must be observed to carry out switching successfully:
Switching using movement patterns has to be enabled by the O&P professional.
Position the prosthetic leg back slightly and bounce on the forefoot with the leg extended
while maintaining constant contact with the floor.
Weight must be placed on the forefoot while bouncing.
The load may not be taken off the foot fully when relieving the load.