The heel wedge is attached with adhesive tape for testing. For definitive
assembly, it is glued to the prosthetic foot.
1) Use the adhesive tape on the underside of the heel wedge.
2) Place the heel wedge on the base spring in the recommended position
(see fig. 3).
3) Set the desired stiffness by shifting the heel wedge (anterior = harder,
posterior = softer).
Definitive assembly
1) Remove the adhesive tape from the heel wedge. This can be done using
a cloth with acetone.
2) Roughen the contact surface on the prosthetic foot slightly using sand
paper. Remove the dust after sanding.
3) Glue the heel wedge to the prosthetic foot with cyanoacrylate adhesive. Checking the stiffness of the functional ring
The stiffness of the functional ring influences the level of comfort while walk
ing. The stiffness is specified on the functional ring (the higher the number,
the greater the stiffness).
Functional ring while walking
Soft damping for the user. The functional
ring is not compressed to the stop.
The functional ring
has the appropriate
User hits the stop during damping. The
functional ring is fully compressed.
Functional ring too
Install a harder
functional ring (see
page 24)
Functional ring too
Install a softer func
tional ring (see
page 24)
No damping for the user. The functional
ring is not compressed.
wedge too soft
Install a harder heel
wedge (see
page 22)
6 Cleaning
Allowable cleaning agent:
pH neutral soap (e.g. 453H10 Derma
NOTICE! To avoid product damage, only use the allowable clean
ing agents.
Clean the product with clear fresh water and a pH neutral soap.