Solar Cell I-V Test System (Manual)
User Manual
Ossila Limited © 2022
Automatic saving can be turned off for lifetime measurements. However,
manual saving is unavailable for lifetime measurements
, so you will not be able to
save your data if it is turned off.
The program allows for data to be saved automatically and manually once the
measurement is complete.
For automatic saving, the ‘Saving’ fields must be filled in before the
can start, these are detailed below.
For all measurements, a save directory must be specified. This can be done either by:
Manually typing the directory into the ‘Save Directory’ field,
Copy and pasting from your file explorer,
Clicking the file icon button, which will open a dialog box to allow the selection of
a folder to save to.
All output files are comma separated variable (.csv) files.
Save Directory
Set the directory in which to create the data files.
This can be filled in by:
Manually t
yping the directory into the ‘Save Directory’ field,
Copy and pasting from your file explorer,
Clicking the ‘Select Directory’ button, which will open a dialog box to allow the
selection of a folder to save to.
Device Label
Set the name of the device being tested.
This is used to label the files for I-V data and measurement settings.
This field cannot contain the following characters:
/ : * ? “ < > |
Save Data Format
All data is saved as .csv (comma separated value) files.
The figures below show the files that are created when saving data for each of the
Figure 9.12.
Characterisation save data format.