four channel digital video recorder
30 adVanced > account
Account menu allows the management of user accounts and
level of authority.
Number allocated to a user name.
user naMe:
There is no limit to the number of user
accounts. Admin user account has full access to all DVR
functionality. All user names must be unique. Admin account
cannot be deleted.
Group of user accounts. Each user account can only
belong to one group.
User account status.
MoDiFy user:
Modify the existing user attribute.
MoDiFy group:
Modify the existing group attribute.
MoDiFy pWD:
Modify the password for existing user account.
aDD user:
Add a new user account. Check
allow multiple login using this user account at the same time.
Enter a suitable username and password. Select the group
the user account belongs to. Authority list contains all the
functionality of the DVR. Check the functions to allow user
access to the functions. Memo is for additional information
regarding the user account. It is recommended that user or
guest accounts have lower level of authority than admin.
aDD group:
Add a new group. Creating a group makes
it convenient when assigning level of authority to user
accounts. User accounts can be assigned to a group to share
the same level of authority. Enter a suitable group name
and define the level of authority for the group. Memo is for
additional information regarding the group.