Initialization and Operator Interfaces
Figure 17: Operator Interfaces
On system power-up, the “STAT 1” & “STAT 2” LEDs are ex-
tinguished for a few seconds, and then STAT1 fl ashes a set of 3
fl ashes fi ve times. After that, STAT2 fl ashes the number of the
address switch setting, so if the address switch is set to 7, STAT2
will fl ash 7 times. If the address is higher than 9, both STAT 1 and
2 will fl ash with STAT1 fl ashing the 10s and STAT2 fl ashing the
1s. For example, if the address is 34, STAT1 will fl ash 3 times and
STAT2 will fl ash 4 times. After the address is fl ashed, there is a
short delay and then the controller will go into damper calibration
and the ACTUATOR LEDs will come on. The CW LED will be
on while the actuator is driving clockwise, and the CCW LED
will light when the damper is driving counter-clockwise. When
the calibration is completed, the normal diagnostic fl ashes of
STAT2 will be begin. If everything is operating correctly, STAT2
LED will blink once every 10 seconds. If there is a problem with
the controller, STAT2 LED will blink more than once. These
diagnostic fl ashes are described in the Troubleshooting section
of this manual..
Operator Interfaces
The next step is confi guring the controller for your specifi c re-
quirements. In order to confi gure the VAV/Zone Controller, you
must use an operator interface. Four diff erent operator interfaces
are available for programming and monitoring of the VAV/Zone
Controller. See
Figure 17
. They are as follows:
Modular Service Tool SD
Modular System Manager SD
Computer with Prism 2 Software & CommLink 5
System Manager TS-L (Touch Screen - Limited
Any of these devices or a combination of them can be used to
access the status, confi guration, and setpoints of any controller
on your communications loop.
If using the Modular Service Tool SD or the Modular System
Manager SD for programming, refer to your HVAC Unit Control-
Operator Interface SD Technical Guide.
If using a computer
and the Prism 2 software for programming, refer to the
Prism 2
Technical Guide
. If using the System Manager TS-L for moni-
toring, please see the
System Manager TS-L Technical Guide
No matter which operator interface you use, we recommend that
you proceed with the programming and setup of the VAV/Zone
Controller in the order that follows:
1. Confi gure the controller for your application.
2. Program the Controller setpoints.
3. Review Controller
Status Screens
to verify system
operation and correct Controller confi gurations.
VAV/Zone Controller Package