User’s Manual
ORing Industrial Networking Corp
servers access objects with read-only or read/write permissions
with the community default string public/private. SNMP V3
requires an authentication level of MD5 or DES to encrypt data to
enhance data security.
SNMP Community should be set for SNMP V1/V2c. Four sets of
"Community String/Privilege" are supported. Each Community
String is maximum 32 characters. Keep empty to remove this
Community string.
If SNMP V3 agent is selected, the SNMPv3 you profiled should be
set for authentication. The Username is necessary. The Auth
Password is encrypted by MD5 and the Privacy Password which
is encrypted by DES. There are maximum 8 sets of SNMPv3
User and maximum 16 characters in username, and password.
When SNMP V3 agent is selected, you can:
1. Input SNMPv3 username only.
2. Input SNMPv3 username and Auth Password.
3. Input SNMPv3 username, Auth Password and
Privacy Password, which can be different with
Auth Password.
To remove a current user profile:
1. Input SNMPv3 user name you want to remove.
2. Click "
" button
Current SNMPv3
User Profile
Show all SNMPv3 user profiles.
” to activate the configurations.
Show help file.
– Trap Setting
A trap manager is a management station that receives traps, the system alerts generated by
the switch. If no trap manager is defined, no traps will issue. Create a trap manager by
entering the IP address of the station and a community string. To define management
stations as trap manager and enter SNMP community strings and selects the SNMP version.