Equivalent sound level
60dB-70dB =
normal conversation
75dB = loud conversation
83-95dB = loud traffic noise
Using your SC520 Digital Baby Monitor
Baby sound level LED indicators
LEDs 1-4 = Green
LEDs 5-7 = Red
LEDs 1-4 = Green LEDs 5-7 = Red
The seven LEDs across the top of the Parent
unit light up to indicate the level of sound being
received from the Baby unit. The LEDs light up
progressively as the sound increases.
LEDs 1-2
light up Green when sounds of 57dB
and 63dB are received.
LEDs 3-4
light up Green when sounds of 69dB
and 75dB are received.
LEDs 5-7
light up Red when sounds of 83dB,
89dB or 95dB are received.