Although HST oil is clean at first, its quality deteriorates with age and it can become detrimental
to smooth operations if not replaced regularly.
In order to keep working safely and comfortably, please change HST oil regularly. Not only
should you change the oil, but also do flash washing on the inside with washing oil several times
beforehand, because the HST oil may be mixed with aged oil, sediment, and water in the unit
and oil tank.
(1) Place the oil drain pan under the HST unit.
(2) Loosen the oil drain bolt at the bottom of the HST
unit with a 22mm wrench. Then drain the oil.
(3) Tighten the drain bolt. Open the oil tank cap and
refill slowly with 0.52qts. (0.5litter) of HST oil (ISO
46 hydraulic oil). Do not spill.
(4) Leave the machine off to release air until the oil
level reaches the middle of the oil tank. Then idle
the engine for one minute to remove air bubbles
(5) Drive the machine back and forth, so that the HST unit is operating and removing air
bubbles. If the air bubbles remain in the HST unit, the machine will vibrate and will not
move smoothly. Repeat this step until the machine moves smoothly.
(6) The HST oil level may change after the air bubbles are gone. Always keep the oil level
between the lower and upper levels when the oil is cold.
get water in the HST unit, as water can cause permanent damage to the HST.
mix different types of oil. Doing so may damage the machine.
Engine oil and hydraulic oil are both pollutants to the environment. Dispose of used oil at a
certified recycling center or according to your state and local regulations.
This product is shipped from the factory pre-filled with ISO 46 hydraulic (HST) oil.
Upon 70 hours
of use ● After: Once a year or
every 200 hours
of use
How to determine the HST oil by sight
Clear, no color change
Continue using
Clear, there are small
black spots.
Mixed with foreign
Filter oil
The color has changed
to milky white.
Contaminated with
Change oil
The color has changed
to black.
Unpleasant, noxious
Oxidized and aging
Change oil