E5-APP-B card packages are designed to be integrated with features that run on a Signal Transfer
Point (STP). E5-APP-B cards for these applications run in a Direct Current (DC) environment and are
delivered as a pair to be installed in an EAGLE using heavy duty frames, along with breaker panels
and Ethernet communication equipment.
Note: The E5-APP-B Card is not IMT Bus capable.
For more information about EAGLE shelves, see Hardware.
This chapter provides an overview of E5-APP-B cards and highlights E5-APP-B card features,
components, and adapter interfaces.
E5-APP-B Card
An E5-APP-B card comes with two removable drive modules when first ordered. A complete shipping
package for applications includes:
• Two E5-APP-B standard EAGLE double-wide cards, identified as A and B. Each E5-APP-B card is
loaded at the factory with platform software and application software.
• Two removable drive modules. For more information about these components, refer to the
documentation delivered with the product.
Figure 7: E5-APP-B Card In Shelf
shows an example E5-APP-B card in a shelf(1).
910-6535-001 Revision D, February 2014
E5-APP-B Card Overview
Hardware and Installation Manual