can be made both on covers and, using the
O.Goldchannel Base, on channels (backs
of OPUS covers).
When hot stamping on channels, use
only 5,5mm or 6 mm fonts.
1.Take the frame out of the heating slot and
put it on a holder. This way you can com-
fortably put the fonts in and out of the
If the frame or the fonts were previously
used or located in the heating slot dur-
ing the heating period, wait 5÷10 min
until they get cold. For that reason we
recommend having several sets of
fonts, frames and holders.
2. Compose a required text by putting suit-
able fonts into the frame.
The types should be put in and taken out
by means of a special pliers. The ends of
the pliers should be inserted into the
holes in the fonts (see the picture) or
embrace the fonts (in case of 4mm size).
The holes enable to distinguish between
the top and the bottom of a font. The bot-
tom hole of a font is larger or located clo-
ser to the edge
(4 mm high fonts,
because of their small measurements,
have only one hole – at the bottom)
If you prepare fonts to be hot stamped
on the channels, use only 5,5 mm
or 6 mm ones. Using smaller fonts may
result with their damage.
For 6 mm fonts use only 1L6 frame (with
1 line). For 5,5 mm fonts fix the inscrip-
tion into the middle line of 3L5,5 frame.
Also, make sure the fonts are placed in
the frame frontally (not upside-down);
this also concerns stamping on chan-
3. Lock the text in the frame by means of
the stops.
4. Insert the frame into the heating slot and
wait about 3 min until the fonts are hot.
To make storing and keeping fonts in
order easier, we recommend using a
movable container (see the picture).
Storing the fonts in the container helps
to find a required letter quickly and pre-
vents from losing the fonts.
You can order a special, customized matrix
(O.Matrix) from OPUS, made according to
your own design. O.Matrix is suitable to use
with Goldpress machine.
You can also use your own matrix , if its
measurements do not exceed 35 mm x 179
mm (1,37 in. x 7,04 in.). However, in this
case you need to use also a special tape
(O.Mounting Tape) and a plate (O.Matrix
base) to mount it in Goldpress.
(customized matrixes ordered in Opus)
1. Put the O.Matrix into a special frame