3. Mount a roll of foil on the bail located on
the left side of the machine.
4. Switch the power supply on (the main
switch is located on the right side of the
On the display the following will appear:
- control inscription “OPUS”
- set heater temperature (e.g. 100 C or
212F – if the temperature is set in
Fahrenheit degrees)
- set stamping time (e.g. 001,5 – means:
1,5 second)
- current heater temperature
If the current heater temperature differs
from the set one for more than +/- 3
degrees, the figures (which indicate the
current heater temp.) blink slowly and
change (aiming to the value of set tem-
perature). Blinking stops when the cur-
rent heater temperature reaches the set
temperature (inc/- 3 degrees
The temperature can be measured
both in Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.
To change the scale from Celsius into
Fahrenheit, press (with the machine
switched off) the “
” button (down-
ward arrow) and switch on the
machine at the same time. Keep
pressing the button for c.a. 4 seconds
until you see the inscription “St F” on
the display (means that the scale has
been changed).
When changing the scale from
Fahrenheit into Celsius, do the similar
pressing the ”
” button (upward
arrow), until the inscription “St C”
appears on the display.
5. Wait until the current heater temperature
reaches the set temperature and the fi-
gures on the display stop blinking.
6. The machine is ready to work.
Setting the temperature and
stamping time
The best results for hot stamping when
using Opus supplies (hot stamping foil and
covers) are obtained with the following set-
• set heater temperature : 100 C/212 F
• set stamping time : 1,5-2 seconds
However, if the stamping results are not
satisfactory , a change in the settings may
be necessary.
To set the heater temperature, move the
arm maximally up. To change the tempera-
ture, press the ”
” (upward arrow) or “
(downward arrow) button until you get the
required temperature. When setting the tempe-
rature, the figures on the display blink quickly.
After you get the temperature required, it is
saved in the memory of the Goldpress and
the machine returns to show the current
heater temperature (as already mentioned,
if the current temperature varies for more
than +/- 3 C from set temperature, the fi-
gures on the display blink slowly).
Set stamping time appears on the display
when the arm of the machine is maximally
put down. The counting down starts; after
the set time passes an inscription END
appears on the display. That means that
the arm should be lifted.
Stamping time can be set between 0,5 and
10 seconds. To set the suitable time, put
the arm maximally down. Then, pressing
the ”
” (upward arrow) or “
” (downward
arrow) button set the required time. For a
moment the figures on the display blink
quickly and then an inscription END
appears. That means that new settings
have been saved in the memory.
The machine is equipped with a counter,
which reckons how many imprintments
have been made. The value of counter
appears for 2 seconds after lifting the arm.
If the arm was put down and then only the
settings of stamping time were changed ,
the counter does not recognize it as an
The value of counter is deleted every time
when switching off the machine.
Preparing the fonts
and matrixes
With the Goldpress machine you can hot
stamp inscriptions (with fonts) or logo, sym-
bols, signs etc (with matrixes). Inscriptions