EDFA optical amplifier – user manual
For changing of the position use buttons LEFT/FIGHT
For character browsing use buttons UP/DOWN
After user changing of network adaptor must be restarted the network adaptor.
Ne t wo r k r e s t a r t :
Ne t wo r k i n g wa s r e s t a r t e d !
Now click to back button.
Main menu -> Settings -> Network settings -> Set display password
The settings of the CLA and EDFA unit can be protected via display password.
If you need protect your CLA settings set the password with four digits. The
password can contain only numbers.
If you need turn display password off, set the password “0” (zero).
If you forgot your password, you can turn display password off via web
interface see in Chapter 9.13.
T y p e i n a n e w p a s s wo r d :
Main menu -> Screensaver
This choose turn Screensaver on. The screensaver is started after about one
minute from last pressing of button.
Main menu -> Help and About
This item contains the main help and short information about version of FW
display and about creators.
If you want to shorten the time during waiting, you can play a small game on
the display module.
Main menu -> Help and About
, press q
uick help button
and run.