Version 1.0.2 - 2020-09-15
Translation of original instructions
GT25 | GT30 | GT40
The intervals must be set so that foreseeable defects can be detected in a timely manner, when
they occur.
The relevant electro-technical rules must be followed during the inspection.
The inspection prior to initial commissioning is not required if the operator receives confirma-
tion from the manufacturer or installer that the electrical systems and operating equipment com-
ply with the accident prevention regulations, see conformity declaration.
Permanently installed electrical systems and operating equipment are considered constantly
monitored if they are continually serviced by qualified electricians and inspected by means of
measurements in the scope of operation (e.g. monitoring the insulation resistance).
Inspection deadlines
Define and document the inspection deadlines for the machine in accordance with § 3 of the
Factory Safety Act and perform an operational risk analysis in accordance with § 6 of the Work
Safety Act. Also use the inspection intervals in the maintenance section as reference values.
Clamping devices for workpieces and tools
Attention when taking over existing clamping devices. Pleased thoroughly check that the
clamping device is appropriate for your surface grinding machine.
Only use clamping devices with a complete inherent rigidity.
After collision damage, consult the manufacturer of the clamping device to obtain
information on possible further use of the clamping device.
Correctly insert the workpiece and make sure that the machine is proper working
Environmental protection and water conservation
Your surface grinding machine is a HBV-System according to §19g Water Resources Act (Sys-
tem for the use of water hazardous substances)
When operating, shutting down or dismantling the surface grinding machine or parts thereof,
the requirements of the Water Resources Act (WHG) must be observed. Detailed information
regarding this can be found in the Ordinance on Installations for the Handling of Substances
Hazardous to Water (VAwS).
Hydraulic system
The system is under a pressure of up to 10 MPa (100 bar). The hydraulic system is used for
table movement to the left and right.
Serious injuries from hydraulic liquid escaping under high pressure!
Possible loss of the eyesight!
Make sure that the hydraulic system is depressurised before opening a component or a
pipe. Wear protective goggles and protective clothing when working on the hydraulic
The hydraulic system might still be under pressure, even after the central power supply
of the machine is switched off.
If you have got hydraulic fluid in your eyes, rinse them immediately with plenty of water.
Immediately seek medical assistance.