User Manual
Biopel MINI series pellet boilers are boilers fulfilling stringent requirements for ecological heating with low
combustion emissions. Biopel boilers allow for comprehensive control of the heating system and for the connection
of a wide range of additional devices. This manual contains a full list of all accessories that can be connected to the
control unit. User manual includes all needed information about installation, start-up and maintenance of all types
of Biopel boilers, from 11 to 40 kW of power. Information included in this manual is intended to both installers and
end customers. The individual chapters are presented chronologically, staring with boiler installation, start-up and
proper set-up, to the regular use and maintenance. Read all information included inside this manual carefully.
Each Biopel boiler can be connected to our OPOP online server to use remote control features for both boiler and
heating system components. This internet interface is accessible free of charge from the OPOP.cz website.
We believe that you will be satisfied with our product for its long working life. For more information regarding the
Biopel boiler, apart from this manual, use the installation and service representatives network listed on our website
or contact directly one of the representatives of OPOP spol. s.r.o.