autorange or dBm. The Vega will now be in the range
selected when switched on with the sensor in
5. Select “Average” to choose the averaging period for
power measurement. If you do not want averaging,
choose the value “NONE” See section for
details about averaging.
6. Now select “Laser” and use the value button to
select the default startup wavelength and save.
7. If you want to change the choice of wavelengths
select laser and press the right navigation key. Enter
the wavelength value by pressing the up/down
navigation keys to change each number and the
right/left navigation keys to move to the next number.
After you are finished, press “Save” and “Enter”.
5.4 Selecting Settings from the Vega Screen
The Vega can conveniently be set to various chosen
parameters from the screen. In addition these settings
can be saved as startup defaults so the sensor will be in
the desired configuration when turned on.
5.4.1. To Set to the Laser Wavelength Being Used
Photodiode sensors have a different sensitivity at
different wavelengths. Moreover, the filters used in the
sensor have a different transmission at different
wavelengths. In order to compensate, each sensor has a
built in calibration curve (with 1nm resolution) over the
entire measurement range.
When you choose the correct laser wavelength, the
correction factor for that wavelength is automatically
introduced. Note that the laser wavelength presently
corrected for is displayed in the upper left portion of the
display. In order to define the laser wavelengths to
choose from, See Section 5.2.
In order to choose the laser wavelength, simply select
“Laser” and enter. Select the chosen wavelength and
enter again. In order to set the default startup
wavelength, see section 5.3.