To select a range for power measurement:
1. Select "Range" with the navigation keys. Press the
Enter key.
2. Select the appropriate manual range or AUTO to
select autoranging.
3. To save this new range as the startup default, press
"Save". Otherwise, press the Enter key to return to the
main measurement screen
To choose power or energy measurement:
1. To go from the main power measurement screen to
the energy measurement screen, press the lower left
soft key "Energy".
2. To go from the energy measurement screen to power
measurement, press “Power”.
2.3.2. Setting and Saving the Startup Configuration
Turn on the Vega with the sensor connected, select
“Menu” and enter. Select “Configure” and enter.
With the navigation keys select “Startup mode”.
Press the Enter key and select “Power” or “Energy”
as the startup mode. Press the Enter key again to
exit. If you want this mode to be permanent, press
“Save” after pressing enter.
Select “Display Mode”. Press the Enter key and
select the type of screen you wish to start up with.
Press Save to set this as the default display mode. If
you do not want to save this as the startup mode but
only change for now, press the Enter key. (This
choice is saved in the instrument and not the sensor
so the Vega will start up from the screen selected
for all sensors).
Select “Power Range”. Press the Enter key and
choose the manual power range you wish to be the
default or choose auto range.
Select “Average” to select what period you wish to
average power over or select the default, "NONE".
See section for details.