will be pink, modification windows will be white, and help
screens will be yellow/gold. The keypad will take on the
color of the active window.
Display of different windows and their colors Monochrome
These schemes are for use with lasers that demand
protective glasses that filter out colors in the visible part
of the wavelength spectrum. These color schemes apply
to all of the screens. All color-enhanced features of the
Vega will not be functional in any of the monochrome
The schemes that can be selected are as follows:
Black text on white background
Sky blue text on black background
Green text on black background
Red text on black background
Bargraph Style
In addition to the large digital readout, on the main power
screen of the Vega there is a bargraph that graphically
displays what percentage the present reading is of full
scale. This bagraph can be given enhanced functionality
when in full color mode. When the bargraph style is set to
Figure 3.5