If you wish to apply a new value, press “Reset” and
then “Apply” again.
If you wish to return to the the regular display, select
“Menu”, enter and go to the display you wish.
Thermopile Normalize Screen Power vs. Time Graph and Data Logging
The Vega in datalog mode has the option of graphing the
laser power against time and storing the data in up to 10
permanent storage files with up to an average of 25,000
data points in each file. While measurements are being
taken, the Vega will record data until the screen is full or
until the reset button is pressed. With the RS232 or USB
adapter the data can be read out to PC in real time or
later after storage. Power logging has the following
To use the Vega to graph power vs. time:
1. From the main power measurement screen, select
“Menu” and enter. Select “Data-Log” and enter.
2. You are now in the setup screen. Under “Graph
Settings”, select “Min:” and enter. Select the value
you wish for the minimum of the graph and enter.
Select “Max:” and enter. Select the maximum value
you want for the graph and enter. Select “Time
Scale:” and enter. Select the time scale you want
and enter. Select “Sample Rate” and enter. Select
Figure 4.3