UC Series User Manual
OpenVox Communication Co. , LTD.
URL: www.openvox.cn Misc Destinations
The Misc Destinations Module is used to create a miscellaneous destination to which you can route
calls from another module.
For example, you might create a misc destination called "My Mobile Phone" that dials your mobile
telephone number. Then, you could set up an IVR so that if a caller presses 9, they would be routed
to "Misc Destinations:My Mobile Phone."
Misc Destinations are for adding destinations that can be used by other FreePBX modules, generally
used to route incoming calls. If you want to create feature codes that can be dialed by internal users
and go to various destinations, please see the Misc Applications module. If you need access to a
Feature Code, such as *98 to dial voicemail or a Time Condition toggle, these destinations are now
provided as Feature Code Admin destinations. For upgrade compatibility, if you previously had
configured such a destination, it will still work but the Feature Code short cuts select list is not
longer provided.
Figure 2-2-56 Misc Destinations interface