Special program names can be used to trigger a controller reboot on a regular basis:
If the program name is :>reboot it will trigger a reboot when the controller is idle (i.e. no program is running).
If the program name is :>reboot_now will trigger a reboot regardless of its running status.
Both reboots will be delayed by 1 minute or so from the start time to avoid the action triggered again right after rebooting. As
an example: create a program that starts every day at 2:00am with name :>reboot will trigger a reboot every day at 2am. When
creating the program, at least one zone must be selected to run but it will be ignored because the firmware recognizes the
special program name and does not actually run any zone included in this program.
7.2 Program Preview
To verify that all programs are set correctly, go to the home page and click Preview Programs to visualize how the programs
are scheduled to run each day.
Today’s schedule is shown by default. Click on the left
and right arrows at the top to change to a different day.
Current time is indicated by a pink line. You can zoom
in/out or drag the plot left/right to check details.
Colored bars show the program name and time span of
each station run. Clicking on each bar directs you to the
specific program editing page.
NOTE 1: The program preview is implemented using a
software simulation of the scheduling algorithm:
What you see accurately reflects how the programs are
scheduled to run on the controller.
All controller settings, such as Master zones, Sequential
Mode, Station Delay Time, Master On / Off Time, are
observed; and all station attributes such as Use Master
Station, Activate Relay are also observed.
Rain Delay and Rain Sensor are ignored because these dynamic events cannot be predicted during preview.
Programs that are set to Use Weather Adjustment will be scaled by the current % Watering parameter.
When using the Manual Adjustment method, the same % Watering is applied to every day.
When using the Zimmerman Adjustment method, the current % Watering (dynamically calculated on a day-to-day
basis) is only applied on today’s schedule, while 100% is applied to all other days.
When the watering level is less than 20%, any station with a resulting water time less than 10 seconds will be skipped
(due to the water time being too short).
7.3 Zone's Sequential Attribute
OpenSprinkler supports running multiple zones in sequence (one after another) or parallel (concurrently). This can be set
using each zone's Sequential attribute. Zones that have the Sequential attribute turned on will be automatically serialized. For
example, if zones 1, 2, 3 are sequential, the controller will make sure only one of them is running at any given time. If their
scheduled times overlap, for example, zone 2 is scheduled to open while zone 1 is still running, it will be automatically pushed
behind zone 1. This is the most common way as it helps conserve the water pressure by running one zone at a time.
If a zone’s Sequential attribute is turned off, the controller will open that zone whenever it’s scheduled to run, regardless of
whether other zones are running or not. This is useful if you want multiple zones to run simultaneously, or are using
OpenSprinkler to switch non-sprinkler devices, such as lights, pump, and heater.
OpenSprinkler Firmware 2.1.9 User Manual