Delayed On / Off Times: you can optionally set delayed on / off times for rain and soil sensors. For example, 'delayed
on time of 10 minutes' means the sensor must remain on for at least 10 minutes for it to be regarded as activated;
'delayed off time of 30 minutes' means the sensor must remain off for 30 minutes for it to be regarded as
deactivated. The 'delayed on time' can prevent false triggering of sensors; and 'delayed off time' allows you to extend
the sensor activation for a specified amount of time (e.g. extend rain sensor activation after rain stops).
Program Switch: if this sensor is selected, you can connect a switch / button to the sensor port. When the switch is
pressed for at least 1 second, the controller will trigger Program 1 (or Program 2 if the switch is installed on SN2).
Flow Sensor: when using a flow sensor, the controller will detect flow sensor pulses, display real-time flow rate at the
footer, and log the flow volume at the end of each station run and program run. By default Dry-contact, 2-wire flow
sensors are supported: these sensors are essentially flow-activated reed switches which close and open repeatedly
as water flows through the meter. They do not need power, and typically come with 2
wires. Insert the two wires to the sensor terminals on OpenSprinkler (there is no
polarity). (Note: on OpenSprinkler v3, only SN1 supports flow sensor, SN2 does NOT
support flow sensor). Then set the 'flow pulse rate' -- which you can find out in your
flow sensor’s datasheet -- it's used to convert the pulse count to actual volume. We
recommend you to keep the unit as L/pulse, even if you normally use Gallon/pulse (i.e.
you can keep it as 1L/pulse even if the actual unit should be 1Gallon/pulse): only the
numbers matter, the unit is for display only.
Flow sensors with 3 wires and runs on 5V can also be used with OpenSprinkler. In this
case, insert the ground wire (typically black colored) GND, 5V wire (typically red
colored) to VIN, and the sensor wire (typically yellow) to SN1.
Integrations: MQTT notifications
This firmware supports notifications through
. For details, please refer to this
Integrations: IFTTT notifications
This firmware also supports notifications through
. For details, please refer to this
OpenSprinkler Firmware 2.1.9 User Manual