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F-1500 Turbine Flow Meter Manual 02/18- 1018-6 / 35726
Page A-1
Insertion Turbine Meter Codification = F-1500-ABCD-EFGH
A = Connection Type
0 = 2” Male NPT threads with retractor
1 = 2” ANSI class 150 flange with retractor
3 = 2” ANSI class 300 flange with retractor
6 = 2” ANSI class 600 flange with retractor
7 = 2” Male NPT threads without retractor (≤50 psig maximum pressure)
8 = 2” ANSI class 150 flange without retractor (≤50 psig maximum pressure)
9 = 2” ANSI class 300 flange without retractor (≤50 psig maximum pressure)
B = Integral or Remote Mount Transmitter
1 = Integral Mount
2 = Remote Mount
C = Temperature / Pressure Compensation
0 = Integral temperature compensation
1 = Integral temperature & pressure sensor, 30 psia maximum
2 = Integral temperature & pressure sensor, 100 psia maximum
3 = Integral temperature & pressure sensor, 300 psia maximum
4 = Integral temperature & pressure sensor, 500 psia maximum
5 = Integral temperature & pressure sensor, 1500 psia maximum
9 = None
D = Rotor Type (nominal range)
0 = Liquid
1 = R40 (steam or gas)
2 = R30 (steam or gas)
3 = R25 (steam or gas)
4 = R20 (steam or gas)
5 = R15 (steam or gas)
6 = R10 (steam or gas)
E = Input Power
0 = Loop powered (Only available with Output Signals option F=0)
1 = External 12-36 VDC powered
2 = External 85-240 VAC powered
F = Output Signals
0 = 4-20 mA output*, pulse output & frequency output
1 = 4-20 mA output, pulse output & frequency output, alarm output & MODBUS
2 = 4-20 mA output, pulse output & frequency output, alarm output & BACnet
3 = (3) 4-20 mA outputs, (3) alarm outputs, (1) pulse output (1) frequency output & MODBUS
4 = (3) 4-20 mA outputs, (3) alarm outputs, (1) pulse output (1) frequency output & BACnet
5 = (3) 4-20 mA outputs*, (3) alarm outputs, (1) pulse output (1) frequency output
G = Maximum Operating Temperature
0 = 450° F
1 = 850° F
H = Energy Meter
0 = None
1 = Gross energy meter
2 = Net energy meter (requires additional remote temperature sensor.)
* Available with HART® serial communications
(Required for Net Energy Meter)
Part Number Description
Remote Temperature Sensor, 1,000 Ohm 4-wire Class A Platinum RTD
Remote Thermowell Kit for 1½" Welded Steel Pipe
Remote Thermowell Kit for 2 - 5" Welded Steel Pipe
Remote Thermowell Kit for 6 - 14" Welded Steel Pipe
Note: Net energy meter requires 1 temperature sensor and 1 thermowell installation kit sized to pipe.