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F-1500 Turbine Flow Meter Manual 02/18 - 1018-6 / 35726
Page 64
To reset the totalizer:
01 05 00 00 FF 00 8C 3A
01 Device address
05 Function code 5 = write single coil
00 09 Coil address = 9
FF 00 Data to reset totalizer
8C 3A CRC (not the correct CRC EJS-02-06-07)
The unit responds with an identical message to that transmitted, and the totalizer is reset.
If the “coil” is turned off as in the following message, the response is also identical to the
transmitted message, but the totalizer is not affected.
01 05 00 00 00 00 CD CA
01 Device address
05 Function code 5 = write single coil
00 00 Coil address = 0
00 00 Data to “turn off coil” does not reset totalizer