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F-1500 Turbine Flow Meter Manual 02/18 - 1018-6 / 35726
Page 39
3.3.3 Display Menu
Cycle Time (sec)
Run Mode
Number of Digits
MF Vf Te Pr De T
Y or N
A1 A2 A3 Fl Dt E
Y or N
If Cycle Time is set to zero, manual advance is required.
Used to set the number of digits displayed after the decimal point.
MF = Mass Flow
Vf = Volume Flow
Te = Temperature
Pr = Pressure
De = Density
T = Total
A1 = Alarm 1 Status
A2 = Alarm 2 Status
A3 = Alarm 3 Status
Fl = Fluid
Dt = Density
For each parameter:
Select Yes to view parameter in Run Mode.
Select No to hide parameter in Run Mode.
Display TC (sec)
TC = Display Time constant, used to smooth display.
* E = Energy
Energy Meters Only
keys to access menus
Use the Display Menu to set the cycle time for automatic screen sequencing used in the
Run Mode, change the precision of displayed values, smooth the values or enable or
disable each item displayed in the Run Mode screens.
Example for Changing a Run Mode Display Item
The following shows how to remove the temperature screen from the Run Mode screens.
Note: All outputs are disabled while using the Set-up Menus.
1. Use
keys to move to the Display Menu.
2. Press
key until Mf Vf Pr Te De T appears.
Press ENTER to select. Press
key until the cursor is positioned below Te.
4. Press
key until N appears. Press ENTER to select.
Press EXIT and then ENTER to save changes and return to the Run Mode.