Application Precautions
When using the internal clock, turn ON power after installing the battery and
set the clock from a Programming Device or using the DATE(735) instruction.
The clock will not start until the time has been set.
When creating an AUTOEXEC.IOM file from a Programming Device (a Pro-
gramming Console or the CX-Programmer) to automatically transfer data at
startup, set the first write address to D20000 and be sure that the size of data
written does not exceed the size of the DM Area. When the data file is read
from the Memory Card at startup, data will be written in the CPU Unit starting at
D20000 even if another address was set when the AUTOEXEC.IOM file was
created. Also, if the DM Area is exceeded (which is possible when the CX-Pro-
grammer is used), the remaining data will be written to the EM Area.
Always turn ON power to the PC before turning ON power to the control sys-
tem. If the PC power supply is turned ON after the control power supply, tempo-
rary errors may result in control system signals because the output terminals
on DC Output Units and other Units will momentarily turn ON when power is
turned ON to the PC.
Fail-safe measures must be taken by the customer to ensure safety in the
event that outputs from Output Units remain ON as a result of internal circuit
failures, which can occur in relays, transistors, and other elements.
Fail-safe measures must be taken by the customer to ensure safety in the
event of incorrect, missing, or abnormal signals caused by broken signal lines,
momentary power interruptions, or other causes.
Interlock circuits, limit circuits, and similar safety measures in external circuits
(i.e., not in the Programmable Controller) must be provided by the customer.
Do not turn OFF the power supply to the PC when data is being transferred. In
particular, do not turn OFF the power supply when reading or writing a Memory
Card. Also, do not remove the Memory Card when the BUSY indicator is lit. To
remove a Memory Card, first press the memory card power supply switch and
then wait for the BUSY indicator to go out before removing the Memory Card.
If the I/O Hold Bit is turned ON, the outputs from the PC will not be turned OFF
and will maintain their previous status when the PC is switched from RUN or
MONITOR mode to PROGRAM mode. Make sure that the external loads will
not produce dangerous conditions when this occurs. (When operation stops
for a fatal error, including those produced with the FALS(007) instruction, all
outputs from Output Unit will be turned OFF and only the internal output status
will be maintained.)
When supplying power at 200 to 240 VAC, always remove the metal jumper
from the voltage selector terminals. The product will be destroyed if 200 to
240 VAC is supplied while the metal jumper is attached.
Always use the power supply voltages specified in the operation manuals. An
incorrect voltage may result in malfunction or burning.
Take appropriate measures to ensure that the specified power with the rated
voltage and frequency is supplied in places where the power supply is unsta-
ble. An incorrect power supply may result in malfunction.
Install external breakers and take other safety measures against short-circuit-
ing in external wiring. Insufficient safety measures against short-circuiting may
result in burning.
Do not apply voltages to the Input Units in excess of the rated input voltage.
Excess voltages may result in burning.
Do not apply voltages or connect loads to the Output Units in excess of the
maximum switching capacity. Excess voltage or loads may result in burning.
Disconnect the functional ground terminal when performing withstand voltage
tests. Not disconnecting the functional ground terminal may result in burning.