Data Display Area
Date range selection
Displays weekly graph with daily blood pressure/pulse readings and walking record
Displays monthly graph with daily blood pressure/pulse readings and walking record
Displays yearly graph with monthly blood pressure/pulse readings and walking
Displays the previous week/month/year data
Displays the next week/month/year data
[Most Recent]: Displays the most recent week/month/year data
Walking graph selection
[Steps/Aerobic Steps Graph]:
Displays total steps and aerobic steps
[Aerobic Walking Time Graph]: Displays aerobic walking time
[Calories Graph]:
Displays calories
[Distance Graph]:
Displays distance
[Fat Burned Graph]:
Displays gram of fat burned
Time range selection
Displays all of the data stored
[Morning]: Displays the blood pressure and pulse readings recorded between 4:00 AM-9:59 AM
[Daytime]: Displays the blood pressure and pulse readings recorded between 10:00 AM-6:59 PM
[Evening]: Displays the blood pressure and pulse readings recorded between 7:00 PM-3:59 AM
[Average]: Displays the average data for all readings
Combination Data Management Screen