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By default, the JX is set to accept its speed reference from the front-mounted “volume”
potentiometer and run command signal from the built-in keypad.
In order for the JX to be controlled entirely over MODBUS, the parameters and settings
detailed below must be changed.
The sample software application included on the resource CD uses MODBUS settings of
9,600bps (baud rate), 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity, and also assumes that the JX
has a node number (network address) of 1. Therefore, a couple of other parameters also
need to be changed from their defaults.
Please refer to section 3-4 “Operating Procedure” of User’s Manual I558-E2-02 if you are
unfamiliar with the operation of the front panel keypad.
(see Resource CD > TECHNICAL
1. Change parameter A001 to a value of “03” to enable the setting of the frequency
reference via MODBUS
2. Change parameter A002 to a value of “03” to enable the setting of RUN command
selection via MODBUS
3. Change parameter C070 to a value of “03” – this defines that the RJ45 port will be
used for MODBUS communication rather than for the connection of an external
operator keypad panel
4. Change parameter C071 to a value of “05” – this changes the communication baud
rate to 9600 (used in the sample program) from the default of 4800 baud
5. Turn off the power to the JX inverter (setting procedure continued over page…)