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Содержание C200H-TV Series

Страница 1: ...CatNoW240 E SYSMAC C200H rv Heat1Co 1Temperature ControlUnit End of Page 1326...

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Страница 4: ...uses listedmaybesuitablefortheproducts Outdooruse usesinvolvingPotentialchemicalcontaminationorelectricalinterference erconditionsor usesnotdescribedinthismanual Nuciearenergycontrolsystems combustion...

Страница 5: ...oconfirmactualspecificationsofpurchasedproducts DIMENS ONSANDVIIE GH S Dimensionsandweightsarenominalandarenottobeusedformanufacturingpurposes evenwhen to erancesareshown PER FOI MA CEDATA Pe f rmance...

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Страница 7: ...neconformtoEMCstandards Note ApplicableEMC ElectromagneticCompatibility standardsareasfollows EN61131 2 LowVoltageDirective Alwaysensurethatdevicesoperatingatvoltagesof50to1 000VACand75to1 500VDC meet...

Страница 8: ...2 2006 5 1 EC EMC EMC EMC EMC 1 i EMC EC EMC 1 EMC Electro MagneticCompatibihty EN61131 2 50VAC 1000VAC 75VDC 1500VDC EN61131 2 EC C200H EC EC 1 C200H 2 DC 110 DC DC DC 10ms 3 C200H EC EMI EN61131 2...

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Страница 11: ...C200H TV Heat C l TemperatureC ntr lUnit perati nManuaX Produced v mb r7993 End of Page 1336...

Страница 12: ...V 8 End of Page 1337...

Страница 13: ...ftenmeans word andisabbreviated Wd indocumentationinthjssense Theabbreviatbn PC meansProgrammableContro erandisnotusedasanabbreviationforany thingelse Visua A ds Thefolbwingheadingsappearintheleftcolu...

Страница 14: ...v1 End of Page 1339...

Страница 15: ...e 3 2DataFlow 3 3 34 SECTION4 NomenclatureandFeatu es ParameterDisplaysandSettings PCMemoryARRocationandProgrammfing 4 1MemoryAllocation 4 2DataEow 4 3Programming SECTION5 Troubleshooting ErrorDetecti...

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Страница 17: ...t Sectlon3providesthebasicoperatingprocedureseftheDataSettingConsoieincludingparameterset tingsanddisplays Section4providestheC200HPC smemoryallocationiortheHeat CoolTemperatureControlUnit Basic progr...

Страница 18: ...End of Page 1343...

Страница 19: ...SECTKONl SystemConfigurationandFeatures Thiss tionprov desHea CoolTemperatureControlUnitfeatUresanddescribesitSbasicsystemconfiguratien 1 1Features 1 2BasicSyszemConfiguration 3 1 End of Page 1344...

Страница 20: ...olloopsarep ssiblewithoneUnit Comprehenslve utputSpeclflcatlons Threetypesofoutputspecificationversiensareavailable C200H V 1for transistoroutput C200H TV 2forvoltageoutput andC200H TV 3for currentout...

Страница 21: ...m ESIOOO CAO2t 202 2m 24VDC DataSettingCensole C200H DSCOI LoOP1 Temperature sensor Extruder Heater Valve L P2 Temperature sensor C olant Current Tra lsformer CT Heat r Valve Remotel Fe minalo Connect...

Страница 22: ...ntrolUnits NC211 4un smax 8unitsmax 6unitsmax 2unitsmax Note 1 WhenacombinationofUnitsfromgroupsA B C andDisused thenumber fromeachgroupmustsatisfyboththefollowingequations 3A B 2C 6D 12 A B C D 8 2 O...

Страница 23: ...ThissectionprovidesinfommationontheconnectionsandsettingsoftheHea CoolTemperatureControlUniL 2 1Nomenclature6 3 2 SwitchSettings W ing 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 1 utWiring OutputWiring DataSettingConsoleCable...

Страница 24: ...ctioncompensator RearPanel SW202 inputtypgsetting SW203 operationandi nctionsettings Rackconnector C200H TVlO ForPlatinumResistanceThermometer FrontPanel wloll RUN o C 1 Pt1B Pt1A o 1 RearPanel M dell...

Страница 25: ...llowingtableaccordingtothe Unitnumbersetting Unitno sgtting Albcatedaddress 0 Wd100to109 1 Wd110to119 2 Wd120to129 3 Wd130to139 4 Wd140to149 5 Wd150to159 6 Wd160to169 7 Wd170to179 8 Wd180to189 9 Wd190...

Страница 26: ...rametersdifferasshownbelow Normal Parameterscanbedesignatedasrequiredusingcommands Referto4 7 7 1 o A bcaf 7 Flxed Parametersarea ocatedinadvance SettlngDlrectlonSelector Referto4 1 mor A ocationforde...

Страница 27: ...OUtput SPWriteMode L OP2 DISPIayUn Co 01Method Theswitchisfactory settoOFF Thissettingisvalidwhentheheatingoutputtypeis current andinputloop2is notused i e whenpinno 40fswitch203isON Thissettingseiec...

Страница 28: ...CurrgntTransform r TC Therrnoc upl 24VDC O 2A 1 RUN CTI CT1 T 1 TCl CT2 C1 2 T92 T 2 24VDC O o o o AO A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 Ret rtothe blebelow brmlnalno Tbrmmalnamg AO CT OOP1 A1 CT A2 TC A3 TC...

Страница 29: ...eratecorrectlyiftheswitchsettingdoesnotmatchthe typeoftemperaturesensorconnected DenotconnectdifferenttypesoftemperaturesensorstoLooplandLoop2 2 lfnoinputleadisconne edtoLoop2 tumSW203 40ntherearofthe...

Страница 30: SymboI PrgvlOUSsymboI reference conductor c nductor BX G G era purp se standardclass Copper C pper B R RX G SX G AlbywRhcoppgromickglasmak r nstRu nt S RX H SX H Heat rgsistant standardclass K CA K...

Страница 31: ...cethermometerwithcopPerwire Allthreeleads shouldhavethesamethicknessandthesamelengthtogivethemidenticalre sistances DonotbranchthetWo B ieadsneartheterminalblockasthisin CreaSeSmeaSUrementerrors Usean...

Страница 32: ...LlNC cOM A8 OCOO B7 A7 B663 A6 A3 82 ll24VDC 81 A1 iriir C200H TV OrlTranslStor UtPUt 24VDC OUT COM C200H TV 02VoltageOutput OUT OUT C200H TV 03Currento put APPllcable onnectors OUT OUT Thefellowingco...

Страница 33: ...O21 102 1m ESlOOO CAO21 202 2m T 1 32 Pinconnector manufaCturedbyFujitsu FCN 361JO32 AU L 20 pinoonnector manufacturedbyOMRON XG4M 2030 46 WlrlngDlagrams 32 pinconnector pi n6ct Plnno Wlreno Plnno Wir...

Страница 34: ...maybe purchasedseparatelyandused WrlngDlagram HEAT2COOL224VDCHEATICOOL1 1 1 81 81 1 1 i 1 F wiringtotheheater ExtgrnaSView ConnectorTermlnalBlock ConvereerVnit TheConnectorTerminalBlockConverterUnitsi...

Страница 35: ...tlons 1 2 3ee 1 TightentheIockscrewsafterinsertingtheconnector totheUnit 2 PushtheconnectorfirmlyintotheDataSettingCorlso euntiltheclipsfu y Iock 3 PowerissuppliedthroughtheconnectingcablefromtheHeat...

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Страница 37: ...esoftheDataSettingCopsoleincludingpararnetersettingsanddisplays 3 1 3 2 3 3 Qpera gProcedure NomenclatureandFeatures DataFlow 3 3 1 3 3 2 34 1 3 4 2 Nomenclature Features 3 4ParameterDisplaysandSettin...

Страница 38: ...theC200Hpowersupplies SettheC200HtoPROGRAMmode 6 UsetheDataSettingConsoletomakethesettingsfortheparametersthat needtobechanged Refertotherestofthissection 7 Testoperationandadjustdata Refertotherestof...

Страница 39: ...2 1 switchingmemorycontents issettoFixedand executedbanknumbersettingsmadefromtheC200HPCarewrittendireCtlyto RAMandarenotsavedtoEEPROM ThisdataislostwhenthepOwersupplyis turnedoff Thesamedatacanbewrit...

Страница 40: ...ensionsfo d ta sab ut panelmounting RearView ThebOttomrowoftheoperationkeyshaveupperandIowerIabeis Theupper labelsapplytoHeat CoolTemperatureCentrolUnitoperation Thelowerlabels arefortheCamPositionerU...

Страница 41: ...settingsrelatetoLooplorLoop 2 PrgsstheLoopKeyandholddownforapproximately2 secondstoswitchbetween1 ooplandLoop2 lndicatorOFF Loopl lndicatorON oop2 TurnsONwhentheheatingoutputisON fortransistoroutputer...

Страница 42: ...asescontinuouslywhilethekeyisheldd wn ThgSVdisplayblinkswhenthevaluereachesitsbw rlim 34 3 4 1 ParameterDispgaysandSettings Table fParameters DiSPIay Parameter DiSPIay Write Read LOOP Bank Datarange D...

Страница 43: ...o 0 Oto55 OA 0 OA 30 mon or see note3 Heaterbumout Yes Yes Ybs No 0 Oto50 O 0 OA current see 0 0 Noheater note3 bumoutdetec tion alarmsignal OFF 50 0 Noheater bumoutdetec tion alarmsignal ON 2 Heating...

Страница 44: ...nkandloop unit oCoroF ValidSVRange SetthesetpOintintherangebetWeentheSVIoweriimitandtheSVupperlimit ErrorDiSPIay Whenasensorerroroccurs oneofthecodesbelowandthedetectedtempera tureblinkalternatelyinth...

Страница 45: ...emperaturevaluedue tothesens rpOsitionorsomeotherconditions settheinputshiftvaluesuchthat thecorrecttemperatureisdisplayed P opolt onalBand DisplayLevelO PV P P P nalbandp am symbd SV d fcu yselec nk...

Страница 46: ...dethesensormea surlngrange SPUpPerUmlt DisplayLevel1 PV SV SPupPerlimitparametersymbol SPupPerlimitofcurrentlysel ctedloop unit oCoroF eSettingscanbemadewithinthefollowingrange SPlimit 1digit tosensor...

Страница 47: ...ol CoolingG ntrotperiodofcurrentlyse ctgdIo P Unit seconds Thissetsthecontrolperiod ltisvalidwhenSW203 iisOFF PlDcontrol and onlywhentheheatermodelisnottheC200H TV 03 currentoutputtype Coolinglooplisi...

Страница 48: ...rLimitMode HysteresisI ON F Setpoint Low rlimitM de 1 Hysteresis ONlt Setpoint ThealarmeutputisOFFifthepresenttemperaturelieswithinthehysteresjs bandwhentheUnitisturnedon Heate Cur entMon o DlsplayLev...

Страница 49: ...dicat bli oTheauto tuningoperationbeginswhentheUpKeyispressed ThePVandSV retumtotherespectivepresenttemperatureandsetpOintdisplays While auto tuningisinprogresstheATindicatorblinks Tointerrupt presst...

Страница 50: ...4 UpPer andlower limitrangealarm X X lll 5 UpPe andIower limitalarmwWhstandbysequence 8 x x 11 1 6 Upper limaalarmw hstandbyS quence 1 X 1 s w 7 LoweF m alamwithstandbysequence 1 X 1 S 1 1 8 Absolute...

Страница 51: ...ySequence AlarmSV 0 C Standbysequenoecanc 1 ll Ai m t Thestandbysequenceisrestartedinthefollowingsituations WhenthepOweristurnedOn eWhenthesetpOintischanged Whentheexecutedbanknumberischanged Whenthea...

Страница 52: ...End of Page 1377...

Страница 53: ...duresandexamplesarealsoprovided 4 1 4 MemoryAllecation 4 1 1 4 1 2 4 1 3 DataMow MemoryAllocationTable MemoryContents TableofCommands Programming 4 3 1 4 3 2 4 3 3 4 34 3637384143434344750 Examplewith...

Страница 54: ...oIR179 lR180toIR189 IR190toIR199 OUT Heat Coo mperatur ControlUnit IN DuringthePC s Orgfresh eachCycleisexecutedtor theoutputs PCtoHeat Cool TemperatureControlUnit followedbythei uts Heat CoolTemperat...

Страница 55: ...n 8 Looplstatusdata O Sen sorerror CTover fbW 0 0 RUN o o Coolingou put Heatingout put HB AU AL2 n 9 oop2statusdata 0 Sen sorer or CTover fbW O 0 RUN o O Coolingout put HeaATtingout put HB AL1 AL2 Not...

Страница 56: ...ometer 4 1 2 Mem ryC ntents SW2 ilnFixedPositlon n 100 10xUnitnumber Dataitem Datacontents 110 Address Word 81t 15toOO LoOPlSP SetstheLooplandLoop2SP setpd as4 ig BCDdataForplatinumresistancethermom t...

Страница 57: ...fthesensorisnotconnected asensorwireisbrok o heinputdataexceedstheoP rationaltemperaturerange 13 CTOV dbW Bitsetto 1whenthgdetectedheatercurr texceeds55 OA 12toO9 Notused EachbitissettoO 08 RUN Bitset...

Страница 58: ...ed bank number 07 Notused SettoO 06 LOOP1 ThistheLooplRun Stopbit Whenaissetto1 0perationstarts RUN whenitissettoO operatiorlstops 05 Notused SettoO 04 LOOP2 ThistheLoop2Run1Stopbit Whenitissetto1 0pe...

Страница 59: ...rtheinputdataexceedstheoperationaltem eraturerange 13 CToverflOW Bitsettolwhenthedet dedheatercurrentexceeds55 OA 12toO9 Notused EiachbitissettoO 08 RUN Bifsettolduringoperation 07andO6 Notused Eachbi...

Страница 60: ...e note1 1 C Yes Ybs Y s No TC 999to9999 Pt 99 9to999 9 F999to9999 0 C Coolingcoefficient seenote1 1 D Yes Ybs Y s No 0 01to99 99 0001to9999 tOO Heatingcontrolperiod s enotesland3 1 7 Yes Ybs Y6s No 09...

Страница 61: ...ever the executedbanknumbercanbesetwithauserprogramorfromtheProgramming ConsoleregardlessoftheON OFFsettingofSW2 2 SW2 1 switchingmemorycontents maybesetineithertheOFF Fixed orON Norma position butcar...

Страница 62: ...eprogramusingWd n 3 to n 9 4 3 2ExampSe1 WritewithSW2 1intheNormalP sition DescrlptionandConditions Theuserprogrammakesth fellowingsettings LooplSP 200 C 8ankno 1 Loop2SP 250 C Bankno 2 ooPlexgcut6dba...

Страница 63: ...utedbanknumber 51 SPsgttinginstruc60n Banknurnber 8itdata OIOi 1 Writedata 200 C Waitsferwritgcompletion then proceedstonextstep S K EP 11 232 2 1060BWdtec mplete R 23203 MOV 21 2 0 100 6000 L SP emb...

Страница 64: ...10608 wn complet R Waitsforw tecompletion th n proceedstonextstep 232 7 232 7 01BHeaterbumout nt v uecomm d Banknumbernotrequir d Bitda 0110 Loop2 W writedata 2 5A 1060 writecompIete KEEP 1 SO200 writ...

Страница 65: ...01tumsONforonecycleontheONrising edgeofSW2 2 10701 4 3 3ExampIe2 Readw SW2 1intheNormalP sition DescrEptlonanCtConCtitions Thefoliowingdataisreadfromtheindicatedaddresses LooplPV DMOOOO Looplheatingco...

Страница 66: ...1 dSW2 2settings OMOOOO DIFD 14 ll 23207 S 110608 Whteoomplet R EE 1 A 1070110700 H 23301 RunsnextRead ommand whenfinalwritec mpt teis detected 23307 OH Nomal a 1 2 isdeteCted 2330f MOV 21 020 100 FD...

Страница 67: ...mbernotrequired BitdataOOIO LOOP2 Rgad W tiorReadCempiete toreaddata ReaddatafrornIRIOsteDMOoo2 B ChangetheabOveprogramasshownbelowifonlyreadingistobecarriedeut Replacepart A oftheprogramwiththefollow...

Страница 68: ...ON OFF ON OFF t lApprox 140rm8 1 ThedataiswrittentotheHeat CoolTemperatureControlUnitEE PROM whentheWriteRequestFlagturnsON 2 TheWriteCompleteFlagturnsONwhenthedatawritingoperationiscom pleted ittakes...

Страница 69: ...xtreadoperation 11 Refresh Heatingandcoolingcontrolwillnotbeexecutedpreperlyunlessthereareat least8msbetWeenl Orefreshoperations Whencreatingtheprogram be surethatallofthecondjtionsdescribedbelowaresa...

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Страница 71: ...SECTION5 Tr bMeshooting ThissectionprovidespOssibleerrorsanderrorremedies ErrorDetection 53 End of Page 1396...

Страница 72: ...ircuit C200H TCOO orthecurrentoutputfalls b low2mA DataSettingConsole Whenasensorerroroccurs oneofthecodesaboveandthedeteCtedtempera turearedisplayedalternately lfaLooplsensorerrorS r andaLoop2sensore...

Страница 73: ...controll dconditions i TGmperatureabrm2 Th terwperatureisinthealarmr ggsetwithAlarm2SV ALMI displaysthetemperaturealarmlfortheloopcurrentselected Nojndi catorisprovidedtoshowanALM2aiarm Thebitsshownin...

Страница 74: ...n TheC200HpowersupplyisturnedonbuttheRUNindicatorisnotIit Noneofthe errorsdescribedpreviouslyaredetected ReplacetheUnit No24VDCpOwersupplyisconnectedtotheHeat Coo remperatureControl Unitinputterminals...

Страница 75: ...and 0 Oto999 9 C F inunitsofO 1 C F lntegral reset time Oto9999s inunitsofls Derivative rate time OtO9999S inunitsOfls Controlperiod 1to99s inunitsofls Samp ngperbd 500rns Outputrefrgshperiod 500ms Di...

Страница 76: ...Pulse C200H TV Ol Voltageeutput Pugse C200H TV 02 Outputvoltage 12VDC Max loadcurr nt 40mA withshon protgctivecircuh CurrentOutput Linear C200H TV 03 Outputcurrent 4to20mA Permlsslbleloadlmpedanc9 60...

Страница 77: ...m pl lnum 30 v8 rh um odlum Platlnum 3 odlum6 RangO OC Oto1 700 Oto1 700 200to 00to 200to Oto600 100to Oto1 300 1 00 850 400 1 00 OF Oto3 000 Oto3 000 300to 100to 300to Oto1 oo 300to Oto2 300 2 300 1...

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Страница 79: ...OFFthenbackON 3 Settheheaterburnoutcurrentlimitt O Othenbacktoitsoriginalvalue Makesurethatthecurrentdifferencebetweennormaloperationandheater burnoutisatleast2 5A Stabledetectionisdifficultwithacurre...

Страница 80: ...ns HeaterBurnOUtDetectiOnCharacterlsttcs Heaterburnoutdetgctbnsettbgrang9 0 1to49 9A inur sofO 1A seenote1 CurrentdHfo nc r qulrgdforheaterburnoutdgtgctlon 2 5Amin normaltime burnoutti Hgatg cur 6ntmo...

Страница 81: ...A ndixC CurrentTransf rmerDimensi ns E54 CTl 2t 15 5 8 r iI 7 5 1 10 5 3 11 1 5 Bdia 2 8 Wo3 LI 30 40 Twe3 5dia holes 2 36dia E54 CT3 9 15 30 9 1 1 m 12da 1 1 1 40 ll 30 40 TwoM3holeswithadepthof4mm...

Страница 82: ...HeaterBumoutDetection AppendixC CurrentTransf rmerCircuitDiagram Controloutput ACpowersupply To bmperatureControlUnit CTinputtemin d noP larity Heatercable CurrentTransformer 64 End of Page 1407...

Страница 83: ...AppendfixD Dimensi ns Heat C oSTemperatureC ntroiUnit Un Dlmenslons MountlngDI nenslons DataSettingConsole UnftDimenslons 800 8 11 100 5 120 5 131 5 L ca 1 Weight 360g Weight 120g 65 End of Page 1408...

Страница 84: ...Clearance W U 1 f Panelthicknesslto4rnm earanoeofatleast150mm A owaclearanceofatleastlsemmbehindtheDataSettingConsolewhenitisinstaliedinthepaneltoallowcable conneCtorstobeinserted Aclearanceof50mmissu...

Страница 85: ...lue Proportionalband tntegraltime d Derivativetime DisplayLevel1 5L SPlower mit SL H SPupperlimit c db Deadband c 5c Coolingcogffide H atingcontroI Coolingcontrol P riod HY5 Hysteresis Alarmhysteresis...

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Страница 87: 29 coo ingcoefficientset h19 29 copybanksetting Seesettings cover removalandreplacemenL8 CTinputoverfiowerror 54 CurrentTransformer 13 D dataflow 21 da as ng 21 0peratingprocedure 20 DataSettingCo...

Страница 88: ...settings sour 8 SlaveRacknumberofmountableUnits 4 SPlowerlimitsetting 28 SPupperlimi setting 28 SpecialI OUniterror 55 specifications genera1 table 57 SVse ting 26 switchsett gs 7 u temperatUrealam 55...

Страница 89: ...talognumberonthefrontcoverofthemanual Cat No W240 E LRevisi nc de Thefollowingtabteoutiinesthechangesmadetothemanualduringeachrevision Pagenumbersrefertothe preVlousverSlon Rgvlslonood Dat Rgvlsgdcont...

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Страница 93: ...adurtr OMRONEUROPEB V Wegalaan67 69 NL 2132JDHoofddorp TheNetherlands Tel 31 2356 81 300 Fax 3 2356 81 388 0MRONELECTRONICS INC 1EastCommerceDrive Schaumburg iL60173 U S A Tel 1 847 843 7900 Fax 1 847...

Страница 94: ...mR n Cat No W240 El 1 Note Specifioationssubjecttochangewithoutnotioe PrintedinJapan O402 O 06MSK End of Page 1419...
