wheel to spin freely), inserting into the gear and then securing with a nylon insert lock nut on the inside of
the gear.
4. Locate the tail wheel parts as shown below. Install the tail wheel onto the spring wire and secure in place
using the supplied wheel collars. Install the third wheel collar onto the other end of the wire, next to the
spring section. Insert the wire end into the bottom of the bracket and secure the steering arm as shown. Cut
off any excess wire from the top of the assembly. Mount the tail wheel bracket to the hardwood mount in
the rear of the fuselage making sure the pivot point is aligned with the hinge line of the rudder. Hint: harden
the screw holes with thin CA before final assembly. The steering arm is secured to the bottom of the rudder
using the supplied spring and small wood screw. Again, be sure to harden the hole with thin CA prior to
final assembly.
5. Using sandpaper, round off the ends of the carbon fiber wing anti-rotation pins to aid in installing the wings.
Install the pins into the fuselage making sure they are centered and extend equally on both sides of the
fuselage. Also make sure the pins are square to the fuselage. Once these pins are centered and square, wick
thin CA around the joints on both sides of the fuselage.