Sealed Chamber Assemblies
Sealed chamber generator probe assemblies are available for use with the Omni Mixer and Macro but
are not supplied with the instrument. They consist of chambers, many of which are fluted to facilitate
mixing by inhibiting swirling, gasket screw on cover seals to inhibit aerosol release, and a generator
assembly. Chamber materials include stainless steel, glass, polycarbonate, and polypropylene. A full
range of titanium chamber assemblies is also available for applications requiring protection from
leached elemental components, or where additional strength is a factor. Please contact Omni Interna-
tional for complete details.
Sealed Generator Probe Assemblies
Installing Sealed
Chamber Assemblies
All chamber assemblies are easily installed to the motor
unit by following these steps:
1. Attach the chamber (with adapter if required) to
the cover/generator probe assembly. Method of
attachment is a left-handed screw thread. Tighten the
assembly securely.
2. Attach the chamber assembly to the motor by screw-
ing the chamber cover into the coupling adapter.
3. If the chamber assembly does not thread fully into
the coupling adapter, then unscrew the chamber
assembly from the coupling adapter. Slightly rotate
the rotor shaft collar on the generator probe. Then
return to Step 2.
4. Before operating, make sure that the chamber assem-
bly rests securely on the tabletop.
For safe operation, all sealed chamber
assemblies attached to the Omni Mixer or
Omni Macro must be lowered to the table
surface as shown in figure (right).
Positioning the
Chamber Assembly
At speeds above 5,000 rpm relatively high chamber
temperatures may be caused from friction during
processing. Immersion of the chamber in an ice bath
or cooling chamber is recommended.
Using a
Cooling Vessel
: Never operate the motor with the sealed chamber assembly (or
generator probe) partially threaded onto the motor. To prevent damage to
the motor and attachments be sure that the sealed chamber assembly (or
generator probe) is fully threaded into the coupling adapter. Failure to do
so will result in damage to the coupling system.