Connector Operation
In order to achieve maximum range, the football-shaped path in which radio
waves travel must be free of all obstructions. Obstacles in the path (especially
metal) will decrease the communication range between your connector/
transmitter and receiver. Also, If the antennas are mounted just barely off the
ground, over half of the Fresnel zone ends up being obstructed by the earth
resulting in significant reduction in range. To avoid this problem, the antennas
should be mounted high enough off of the ground so that the earth does not
interfere with the central diameter of the Fresnel zone.
It is important to understand that the environment may change over time due to new
equipment or machinery being installed, building construction, etc. If new obstacles exist
between your connector/transmitter and receiver, the devices can be raised on one end
or on both ends to hopefully clear the Fresnel Zone of obstructions.
No co-location with other radio transmitters is allowed. By definition, co-location is
when another radio device or it’s antenna is located within 20 cm of your connector/
transmitter and can transmit simultaneously with your MWTC unit.
Never install MWTC connector/transmitters within 20 cm or less from each other.
4.2.4 Antenna
Use of any other antenna then what’s supplied with your device will void all FCC and
CE regulatory compliance.
Additional Information on installation and system operation can be found in
Section 6.