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a failed attempt to achieve SecureCode, the ignition switch must be turned off, then on again before
another attempt is made. Should two failed SecureCode attempts be made, the system will ignore any
further presses of the Valet Switch for two minutes.
In addition to Emergency Override, if any of the three anti-carjacking features are utilized, a correct
customized SecureCode would also be required to turn off anti-carjacking once it has become fully
activated. How to program your own customized SecureCode is explained on page 25.
The Status Light
The Status Light visually indicates the operational condition of the system, in addition to providing
visual deterrence. The Status Light may be either red or blue; a blue light is included with the system,
a red light is available as an option, and a red Status Light is used in the optional Echo 2-way controller
window-mountable transceiver unit. Regardless of color, the Status Light operations are the same.
Security System Status:
All of these Status Light indicators refer to the system’s “alarm” operations:
indicates that the alarm is disarmed, and also not in the process of Last Door Arming or
Automatic Rearming (both of which are programmable, and must be turned on to operate).
On Constantly
indicates that the system is in Valet Mode.
Flashing Slow
indicates that the alarm operation is fully armed.
Flashing Fast
indicates that Last Door Arming or Automatic Rearming is in progress.
Zone Violation:
Once it is armed, should the system trigger and enter an alarm condition, the Status Light will change
from flashing slowly to flashing in a coded sequence which indicates which protected zone caused the
alarm condition.
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Feature #3 Automatic Rearming
(Factory Default Setting Off)
“Automatic Rearming”, described on page 10, prevents the system from becoming accidentally
Feature #2 Last Door Arming
(Factory Default Setting Off)
“Last Door Arming” has the system automatically arm itself every time you exit the vehicle (the
complete operation is described on page 7). This feature turns that operation on or off.
Feature #4 Automatic Starter Interrupt
(Factory Default Setting Off)
If a Starter Interrupt is installed, turning on this feature will cause it to automatically engage 90
seconds after the ignition switch is turned "off", and also 90 seconds after disarming the system. This
automatic engagement will occur even if the security system is in a disarmed state, but not if it is in
Valet Mode. Once the Starter Interrupt output is activated, the system must be armed, then disarmed
with the transmitter, or placed into the Valet Mode by pressing the Valet Switch for 2 seconds to
disengage it. There are no Status Light indications with this automatic form of Starter Interrupt.
Feature #5 Doors Lock With Last Door Arming
(Factory Default Setting Off)
This feature adds the automatic locking of the doors to the Last Door Arming operation. If this feature
is added to feature #4, when the system becomes armed 30 seconds after closing the last door the doors
will also lock . This feature will operate only if feature #2 is turned on.
Feature #6 Doors Lock With Automatic Rearming
(Factory Default Setting Off)
This feature adds the automatic locking of the doors to the Automatic Rearming operation. If this
feature is added to feature #3, when the system rearms itself 90 seconds after being disarmed the doors
will also lock. This feature will operate only if feature #3 is turned on.