T r
ransmitter Oper
ansmitter Oper
ansmitter Oper
ansmitter Oper
ansmitter Operations
Small Right Transmitter
Button- If this button is
pressed and held for 3 sec-
onds, the security system
will activate the trunk re-
lease function.
Green LED Light- Illu-
minates and confirms
transmission whenever a
button is pressed.
Small Left Transmitter
Button- If this button is
pressed and then the large
button is pressed within 3
seconds, the security system
will arm or disarm without
siren confirmation chirps. If
this button is pressed within
3 seconds after arming the
system, Auxiliary sensor #1
will be turned off and Auxil-
iary sensor #2 will only have
an instant trigger. If this but-
ton is pressed within 3 sec-
onds after disarming, the sys-
tem will enter Remote Valet.
Pressing the small left trans-
mitter button may be used to
activate other optional mod-
ules through the 3rd channel
output (Example: car start-
ing equipment or power win-
dow roll up units).
Large Transmitter But-
ton- Pressing and releasing
this button will arm and dis-
arm the security system. If
the optional doorlock inter-
face is installed, the doors
will lock upon arming, and
unlock upon disarming. If
you have the optional un-
lock driver's door feature,
then upon disarming only
the driver's door will un-
lock, and if the large button
is pressed again within 5
seconds, all of the doors will
unlock. Pressing and hold-
ing this button for 3 seconds
will "Panic" the system-
which will sound the siren,
flash the exterior and inte-
rior lights and also lock the
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