If you reached the desired maximum output power, and the PA Screen current is inside 0 /
+20mA , then tuning process is finished.
Notice 1:
If the tuning process takes more than 1 minute, allow for a short break to prevent temperature
overloading of the PA.
Notice 2:
If you use the PA with the output power adjusted lower than the maximum settings, screen
current can take negative values. There is no need to readjust the PA, it is still working in the linear mode.
At the following picture you can see display of properly tuned amplifier
Output power is 2010 W, reflected power
about 1W and screen current is about +5 mA.
If the amplifier demonstrates any malfunctions during tuning or it does not behave in accordance witch
the TUNE procedure, interrupt the tuning procedure immediately and check the amplifier! Be sure there
are not any mistakes in choosing antennas or bands! Insure that VSWR is not higher than 3:1 and input
power is not to high!
6.1. Indication of Fault Conditions
If a fault condition appears during the operation of the amplifier, the safety circuits of will react
immediately. There are several types of warning or fault messages that may appear on the display when
any of the protection circuits are activated. The power amplifier provides the following
Power Out is too high
Refl. power too high
Power In is too high
Low output power (tune)
Plate current too high
Screen current error
Heating voltage error
Type of supported TCVR and working
frequency are visible on the display.