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Microscope Digital Camera  


High quality bright-field and high-sensitivity multi-channe l fluorescence imaging
The DP80 alone can provide all of the images that are illustrated below.

In the dark field images we can see the borders of the lateral amygdala, a brain region important for fearful emotions. In the fluorescence image are cells and processes expressing a fusion protein of 
channelrhodopsin/EYFP. Channelrhodopsin is a blue light activated non specific cation channel that is used in 'optogenetics' experiments. We can express channelrhodpsin in lateral amygdala neurons 
and produce emotional fear memories by activating the cells with blue light. These microscope images allow us to verify that expression of channelrhodopsin has occured in the lateral amygdala.
Image data courtesy of : RIKEN BRAIN SCIENCE INSTITUTE Neural Circuitry of Memory Joshua P. Johansen, Ph.D.

Observation of Collagen type 


 and type 

 with multicolor immuno-fluorescence staining during wound healing process

Bright-field image of total collagen with Elastica van Gieson (EVG) staining (Left; DP80 color mode) and, multi-fluorescent pseudo-color image of collagen type  


 labeled with Cy7 and collagen type 


labeled with Cy5 respectively (Right; DP80 monochrome mode). Location of the collagen type I and III is confirmed clearly by the long-wavelength observation without auto-fluorescence noise such as 
erythrocytes and/or other tissue components.

Surface of 

Drosophila melanogaster

 expressing fluorescence protein in periphearal sensory cells. 

Image data courtesy of : Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, University of Tokyo Kei Ito, Ph.D. 

Caputured by color CCD

Caputured by monochrome CCD with pseudo-colors

Caputured by color CCD

Caputured by monochrome CCD

Caputured by color CCD

Caputured by monochrome CCD with pseudo-colors

Image data courtesy of : JAPANESE FOUNDATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH The Cancer Institute, Division of Pathology Noriko Motoi, M.D., Ph.D. Yuichi Ishikawa, M.D., Ph.D. 

Fig.1: Histology of lung with EML4-ALK fusion gene. (HE stain).

Fig.3: Histology showing small round cell with many mitoses and nuclear atypia.  (HE stain)

Fig.2: Same case as Figure 1. FISH was performed using ALK Split Dual color FISH probe 
(green = FITC  and red = TexRed) (GSP Laboratory) . The abnormal ALK split signal was 
observed as green and red colored signal, in addition to normal yellow-colored signal. 

Fig.4: Same case as Figure 3. FISH was performed using EWSR1 (22q12) dual color break 
apart rearrangement FISH probe (green = spectrum green and orange = spectrum orange)
(Vysis™ , Abbott Japan). The abnormal EWSR1 split signal was observed as green and 
orange colored signal, in addition to normal yellow-colored signal. 

Caputured by color CCD

Caputured by monochrome CCD with pseudo-colors

Caputured by color CCD

Caputured by monochrome CCD with pseudo-colors
