background image

Live view display

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Microscope Digital Camera  


High quality images adapted to observation and
imaging methods can be readily obtained. 

The DP80 is equipped with Fine Detail Processing, which reduces 

pseudo-colors and moire of ultrastructures and improves resolving 

power. Clear imaging of details is achieved by fully extracting the 

resolving power of objective lenses.

A monochrome camera that detects and captures dim fluorescence images

Color camera provides clear real-time live preview display

High definition uncompressed live images of 1360×1024 pixels

Live view display of high definition RGB 24-bit color images of 1360 × 

1024 pixels  at 15 frames per second.Distortion-free focusing or 

framing is provided because there is no deterioration of image quality 

due to non-compression, and so sample details are sharp and clear 

whether the sample is stationary or moving.

Clearly observe weak fluorescence signals with the
DP80's high sensitivity

We significantly improved the DP80's fluorescence imaging 

performance by incorporating a separate high dynamic range 

monochrome CCD sensor within the body of the camera. Combined 

with thermo-electric cooling and high resolution capture, the DP80 

meets the demands for low-light fluorescence imaging. With a high 

quantum efficiency along a wide spectrum, the DP80 provides 

exceptional fluorescence singal detection. 

High-sensitivity fluorescence imaging available up to Cy7

The DP80 responds to a wide range of wavelengths from visible to 

near infrared. Now sensitive to fluorescence signals with longer 

wavelengths, the DP80 captures near-IR wavelengths from samples 

stained with Cy7 (767 nm).

Color and monochrome images can be overlayed with
pixel precision

Since the camera is equipped with a centering function, which 

minimizes positional differences between color images and 

monochrome images, a combined image can be produced by 

precisely superimposing the monochrome images and color images 

that are acquired for a given observation method. Since positions 

accurately fixed morphology and localization can be examined by, for 

example, superimposing a bright-field image and a fluorescence image.

Efficient support of observation and experimentation

High-quality color and multi-channel imaging is automated with the 

DP80's switchable CCD sensors and the intuitive Olympus cellSens 

software interface. From complex image acquisition to image processing 

to report generation, the researcher can focus on research activities 

instead of routine labor-intensive acquisition setup and data preparation.

Faithful panoramic imaging, with
high-quality in brightfield or fluorescence

Multiple-region capture of saved images can be 

easily recombined and restitched seamless into a 

single image. Numerous annotations and 

comments can be saved with images for later 

retrieval. These features are useful for 

standardization and accuracy control of inspection 

and research processes.

Fine-detail Processing that suppresses pseudo-colors and
moiré artifacts

Subtle hue differences within colors such as brown, blue, and purple were 

difficult to distinguish in the past, but now, such slight differences in color 

can be reproduced by incorporating AdobeRGB* color space which 

reproduces a wide range of color tones and a new algorithm of color 

reproduction. Color images faithful to the original samples can be acquired.

*Color reproduction fidelity depends on monitor specifications. Monitors supporting
   AdobeRGB are required to accurately reproduce images recorded in AdobeRGB mode.

Superior color reproducibility captures fine differences in color

High resolution imaging up to 12.5 megapixels

The DP80 uses pixel-shifting technology to reach a maximum recording 

image size of 4080 × 3072, a high resolution equivalent to 12.5 


Research workflow is improved through
Olympus cellSens imaging software

Conventional processing

Fine-detail processing

cy7 サイセブンのアプリ(赤に光る試薬)

Relative Sensitivity

Color image (exposure time: 60 s)

Monochrome image (exposure time: 2 s)

Monochrome image 

Color image

Superimposed image




























Higher sensitivity!

Longer wavelength!
