After the caller presses
” “
” “7” keys on the
phone, the fax tone will
sound. The caller then
presses the “START” key
after the fax tone.
TAD is turned on.
If the caller is trying
to send a fax...
the “caller” is
a f a x w h i c h
s e n d s a f a x
t o n e . . . ( S e e
NOTE below)
Fax reception
(Fax transmission will be
received automatically.)
c. TAD mode: (Telephone Answering Device)
The reception switch is set to TAD position, and the reception procedure is
as below:
Make sure that your TAD is connected to the machine, and is turned on.
The TAD will automatically answer
after some rings, which depend on
your ring count setting to the TAD,
and which must be less than your
machine's ring counter.
The caller will hear
TAD message
which should tell
caller to press the
” “
” “7” keys on
the phone for fax
t r a n s m i s s i o n , o r
leave a message
after the beep tone
(See Par. H, b).
If it is a voice call...
Message is recorded by TAD.
NOTE 1: If the “caller” is a fax machine which does not send a fax tone, and
the silence detection is set to:
. OFF: Its message will not be automatically received.
. 6, 9, or 12 sec.: Its message will be automatically received after the
set time.