J. Transmission
a. Start transmission:
1. Place one document at a time into the document feeder, face down. Dial fax No.,
and then press “START” key to begin transmission.
2. After the transmission of one page is completed, there will be a 5 Sec. - inter - page
alarm. Place next document into feeder during the alarm if applicable. (See Par.
F, e)
b. Stop transmission:
1. Press “STOP” key during transmission, if you want to stop all transmission activity.
2. The document is removed automatically.
c. Transmission report:
If there is an error, the “ERROR” indicator will light up, and the “TRANSMISSION
REPORT” will be printed automatically.
. Press “STOP” key to turn off the “ERROR” indicator.
. Press “STOP” key again to purge the document from ADF.
It will be automatically printed out following each transmission if you program it
by OMR setting. (See Par. H)