Feed Rate
The feed rate is determined by the thickness
of material being run as well as the species.
Also consideration as to the moisture content
should be taken. Heavy green lumber should
be run slower than dry lumber.
1. To change feed speed, open access door
at rear of machine. Loosen lock nut on
draw rod (Fig 15) that tensions the belt.
2. Loosen lock bolt on pivot rod.
3. Move the belt on the upper step pulley first
to the desired position then move the belt
on the lower step pulley to the
corresponding position.
Figure 15
4. Tighten the draw rod nut to give proper
tension on the V-belt and then tighten the
lock nut.
See Figures 16 and 17 for the various
lubrication points on the machine. Points are
as follows:
Grease nipples
of spindle bearings.
Grease every 250 hours of with a #2
bearing grease such as Mobillux 2.
Oil cup
of carriage height shaft. Fill
monthly with #68 lube oil such as Vectra
Figure 16
Oil Lubricator
of conveyor chain. See
page 11 of chain lubrication section.
Flanged bearing
of conveyor chain
wheel. Once every two weeks, grease
with #2 bearing grease such as Mobillux 2.
Gear reducer
of conveyor chain. After
300 hours drain the gearbox and refill with
SAE 90# gear oil. Thereafter the oil
should be changed every 2500 hours. Fill
to view window.
Elevation screw
of spindle height
adjustment. Once a month brush on
general purpose grease directly on the
screw shaft
The machine should be blown clear of
dust and debris after each shift and the V-
belt tension of the main spindle should be
checked monthly.
Figure 17